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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: Which setting you must modify to print a report using letterhead?
  1. Group
  2. Margin
  3. Section
  4. Orientation

Q2. Ms Access: The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called

  1. Sorting
  2. Classifying
  3. Reproducing
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Correct Answer

Q3. Ms PowerPoint: Which option in PowerPoint allows to carry slides from one computer to another?

  1. Save As
  2. Save and Go
  3. Pack and Go
  4. Web and Go
Correct Answer

Q4. What type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, in order to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time?

  1. Bus control
  2. Interrupts
  3. Bus arbitration
  4. Status
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: Which of the following is not a field type in Access

  1. Memo
  2. Hyperlink
  3. OLE Object
  4. Lookup Wizard
Correct Answer

Q6. The command allows you to show the status of the disk

  1. Vol
  2. Diskcomp
  4. Defrag
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: Which of the following is used to create newspaper style columns?

  1. Format Tabs
  2. Table Insert Table
  3. Insert Textbox
  4. Format Columns
Correct Answer

Q8. Why ABC computer is called so?

  1. Because it was developed by Atanasoff and Berry
  2. Because it was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of English
  3. Both of above are the reason to name the computer ABC
  4. None of above are true
Correct Answer

Q9. FORTRAN is a programming language. What does FORTRAN stand for?

  1. File Translation
  2. Format Translation
  3. Formula Translation
  4. Floppy Translation
Correct Answer

Q10. Software in computer

  1. Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
  2. Increase the speed of central processing unit
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

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